
Please choose your country from the list below to begin filling out your prequalification form. 
After you click submit, you will be taken to the affordability calculator.

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ID Type
In which country has the ID Document above been issued?
Enter your ID number
Marital Status
Number of Dependents
Emplyoment Status
Years of employment or business
How long have you worked for your current employer or business?
How much is your monthly salary or business income?
How much is the combined monthly income of you and your spouse (If married)? Leave blank if not applicable.
Do you have any savings for deposit
Do you have other assets that can be used to help with homeownership?
Do you have any other assets that can help with home ownwrship?
Do you have any debts?
Are you contributing to any Housing fund or program?
Are you currently on a waiting list for Government or municipal housing?
What is your credit score?
Method of purchase
In what type of property do you live in currently?
Are you currently a homeowner or tenant?
State an amount you can afford to pay monthly. Please include the currency
Have you ever owned a property in your own name or with a spouse or partner?
Will you buy the house alone, or combine with your spouse?
Will you pay for this house on your own, or will you combine with your spouse?
Please fill this part in if you were introduced by somebody else
How did you hear about us?

After submission, you will be taken to the affordability calculator.